Sunday, January 6, 2008

Looking back - looking ahead

Okay, that's about the best I could think of for a "Happy New Year" title for this post. It's been a very hectic few weeks and I'm getting back to writing after a very eventful December. Here's a sampling -

My son is running again for student government VP at the University of Central Florida - Go Knights! We've been making campaign signs every weekend, including Christmas day and New Year's day, and I've just returned from Orlando, where we delivered about 90 of them in two minivans.

Our cat Shredder passed away the week before Christmas, which was very sad. She was a great pet and will be remembered for behaving more like a dog than a cat. She was one of three felines who have been very much in charge of things around the Smith residence for years.

End of year business - happily, it was a very busy month, racing the calendar to deliver work before the end of the year. Did it make up for all the crappy months we had this year? I'm not telling.

End of year bookkeeping - did we make any money in 2007? Hell if I know.

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