Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Please save us, Don Draper, from crap TV.

Have you noticed just how incredibly crappy TV has become?

Sure, there are lots of ways to avoid network television - the premium cable networks - HBO, Showtime, etc. Then there's pay-per view and Netflix. I get it, but sometimes you just want to veg out with some regular old major network TV.

Problem is, it's all such crap. When the lesser of all evils is The Celebrity Apprentice, which for some reason is stretched to 2 hours, you know you're in trouble. I don't know about you, but I could really use a break from the "housewives with gay male friends who find stuff in storage lockers, then pawn it and prospect for gold in Alaska" or some variation thereof.

This Sunday will bring us the long-awaited new season of Mad Men. It's been a long wait, indeed. I'm ready for style, good writing, great acting. Something that's actually worth watching. And can you believe this is a show that struggled to find an audience? What does that tell you about us as a society? I'm ready, Don Draper, for you to save me from crap TV!

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