Monday, December 14, 2009

There truly is big risk in "one man brands."

Following up on the Tiger Woods story - good piece in NYT on the relationship - or should I say former relationship - between Tiger and Accenture, the big consulting firm that invested big in Tiger. While most of the other sponsors are "standing by" Accenture is the first to withdraw completely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
There have were times of troubles when I didn't know about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright pessimistic person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in large initial investment.
Nowadays, I feel good, I begin to get real money.
It's all about how to select a correct companion who utilizes your funds in a right way - that is incorporate it in real business, parts and divides the profit with me.

You can ask, if there are such firms? I'm obliged to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please get to know about one of them: [url=]Online Investment Blog[/url]