Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why I hate politics

My previous post about the Obama campaign not withstanding, I should say that I have always hated politics. At the same time, however, I confess to being fascinated by the whole damn process. The media. The campaigns. The bloggers - especially the deluded ones on the far right - it is all so crazy. And sometimes so far removed from reality. It occurs to me that perhaps one of the reasons for Ad Age's pick of Obama as Marketer of the Year is that the McCain campaign has been so incredibly lame. When you think about it, it has been nothing more than predictable - the typical fear mongering and hate mongering that panders to the far right, then as the polls began to go against them, some moves and messages that seemed so defensive, they could only be called desperate. No wonder he continues to slip, and even in traditionally conservative states like Florida, Obama is basically kicking his 72-year-old ass. A powerful brand indeed, that Senator Obama.

Makes you wonder - now that we're less than 48 hours away from election day - what the state of McCain's campaign would be if he had used the kind of forward-thinking tactics that Obama has used, or if he had been able to raise - and spend - the kind of money the Obama campaign is spending in the media.

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